Tree with purple flowers and orange berries
Tree with purple flowers and orange berries

Sentinel – Upright, small red berries all winter. Prairifire – Rounded, heavily branched, reddish leaves when emerging long lasting burgundy colored berries highly recommended for this area. Pink Spires – Narrow upright form early bloomer. Jewelberry – Dwarf, rounded head red berries. Indian Magic – Semi-spreading reddish berries. Pink FloweringĪdams – Dense growing, rounded tree good foliage with red berries.Ĭardinal – Glossy purple red foliage, pink to red flowers, red berries.Ĭenturion – Upright red berries for two months.įloribunda – Old favorite graceful, spreading abundant yellow-red berries. Sugartyme – Upright, spreading pink buds to white flowers, red berries. Snowdrift – Vigorous, upright-oval grower red-orange berries. Sargent – Dwarf, mounted habit profuse red berries dark green leaves. Red Jewel – Upright oval shape persistent red berries excellent summer foliage. Harvest Gold – Upright growth habit with persistent yellow fruit. Golden Raindrops – Deeply cut leaves with golden yellow fruit. White FloweringĪdirondack – Dense, compact head white flowers and small red berries.ĭonald Wyman – Rounded Head small bright red persistent berries.

tree with purple flowers and orange berries

Listed below are short descriptions of usually available varieties. The leaves of newer varieties are resistant to these diseases and are greatly preferred over older varieties. Older varieties had problems with various leaf diseases and often dropped their leaves before the end of the summer. The berries are usually small enough to be eaten by birds and are usually not a problem with fruit dropping on lawns. Most commonly used varieties have small berries (apples) that can persist into winter for added interest. More on Crabapples at bottom of page.Ĭrabapples (Malus) – bloom in early spring about the same time as dogwood trees. The fruit can be very showy in the fall and into the winter. Varieties with smaller fruit usually are neater in fall because birds eat the fruit. Newer varieties are more disease resistant and have much nicer leaves in summer and fall. (a little shorter bloom period than cherries). Blooms come in white, pink, and red in mid to late April with the emerging leaves and last about a week. Nice ‘Cherry tree’ bark.Ĭrabapple – There are a lot of varieties of crabapple with a lot of different habits. Nice green in Summer and good fall color.

tree with purple flowers and orange berries

Kleinberg Landscape Design and Construction.Ĭherry ‘Okame’ – Blooms late March/ Early April before the leaves, one of the first trees to bloom in Spring. *The photos below were taken at various locations in the area as good examples of flowering trees and do not necessarily have any connection to Robert J.

tree with purple flowers and orange berries

Click on a photo for more information and a larger photo. We use many other trees not shown here, and if you have a favorite tree it can be used in our designs. It is also the main food plant for the purple emperor butterfly.Shown here are a sample of some of the best flowering and top performing trees we use with photos and short descriptions. Why wildlife loves it: the leaves are eaten by caterpillars of several moths including the sallow kitten, sallow clearwing, dusky clearwing and lunar hornet clearwing. It can tolerate most soil types including moist and well-drained. Soil and conditions: goat willow is often found growing in woodland, hedgerows and scrub, and on damper, more open ground such as near lakes, streams and canals. Height: 6-10 metres, but cut often to retain size and shape. It’s useful to you too - you can decorate your home with sprays of pussy willow at Easter. Its soft catkins appear in early spring and are one of the earliest food sources for early emerging bees. It’s a great tree for the garden and, unlike other willows, it has broad leaves rather than narrow ones. Goat willow's familiar 'pussy willow' is so-called because of the silky, grey male catkins that resemble a cat’s paw. Duranta erecta is a species of flowering shrub in the verbena family Verbenaceae, native from Mexico to South America and the Caribbean.

Tree with purple flowers and orange berries